Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Archive
Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Archive
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Bibliography on Feminism and World Politics
Contributors - Spike Peterson (original biblography); Lev Gonick (original
supplementation); Laura Sjoberg (quick additions).
Aafjies, Astrid and Ann Tierney Goldstein. 1998. Gender violence:
the hidden war crime. Washington, DC: Women, Law, and
Development International.
Abdo, Nahla. 1993. Middle East politics through feminist lenses:
negotiating the terms of solidarity. Alternatives 18: 29-38.
Abel, Elizabeth and Emily K. Abel, ed. The Signs Reader: Women, Gender and
Scholarship. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983.
Abramovitz, Mimi. Regulating the Lives of Women. Boston: South End Press,
Acker, Joan. 1990. Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: a theory of gendered organizations. Gender and Society 4:139-58
Acker, Joan; Kate Barry; and Johanna Esseveld. 1991. Objectivity and truth: problems in doing feminist research. In Beyond methodology: feminist scholarship as lived research, edited by Mary Margaret Fonow and Judith A. Cook. Indianapolis : Indiana University Press.
Ackerly, Brooke A. 2000. Political theory and feminist social criticism. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Afshar, Haleh, ed. Women, State, and Ideology: Studies from Africa and Asia. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987.
Agarwal, Bina, ed. Structures of Patriarchy: State, Community and Household in Modernising Asia. London: Zed, 1988.
Agathangelou, A.M. and Ling, L.H.M. (2005) “Power and Play through Poisies: Reconstructing Self and Other in the 9/11 Commission Report.” Millennium: Journal of International Studies 33(3): 827-853.
Agathangelou, A.M. and Ling, L.H.M. (2004b) “The House of IR: From Family Power Politics to the Poisies of Worldism.” International Studies Review 6(4) December: 21-49.
Agathangelou, A.M. and Ling, L.H.M. (2004a) “Power, Borders, Security, Wealth: Lessons of Violence and Desire from September 11.” International Studies Quarterly 48 (3) September: 517-538.
Agathangelou, A.M. and Ling, L.H.M. (2003) “Desire Industries: Sex Trafficking, UN Peacekeeping, and the Neo-Liberal World Order.” Brown Journal of World Affairs 10 (1) Summer/Fall: 133-148.
Agathangelou, A.M. and Ling, L.H.M. (2002) “An Unten(ur)able Position: The Politics of Teaching for Women of Color.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 4 (3): 368-398.
Aiken, Susan and et al, ed. Changing Our Minds: Feminist Transformationsof Knowledge. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Albrecht, Lisa and Rose Brewer. Bridges of Power: Women's Multicultural Alliances. New Society Publishers, 1990.
Alcoff, Linda. "Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory." Signs 13 (3 (Spring) 1988): 405-36.
Alcoff, Linda, and Elizabeth Potter. 1993. Feminist epistemologies, thinking gender. New York: Routledge.
Alexander, Sally. 1987. Women, class, and sexual differences. In Feminism and equality, edited by Anne Phillips. New York : New York University Press.
Alexandre, Laurien. "Genderizing International Studies: Revisioning Concepts and Curriculum." International Studies Notes 14 (1 1989): 5-8
Allatt, Patricia. "Men and War: Status, Class and the Social Reproduction of Masculinity." In The Public and the Private, ed. Eva Gamarnikow and et. al. London: Heinemann, 1983.
Allen, Amy. 1998. Rethinking power. Hypatia 13, n.1:21-40.
Allen, Beverly . 1996. Rape warfare: the hidden genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
Alvarez, S. 1997. Contradictions of a ‘women’s space’ in a male-dominant state: the political role of the commissions on the status of women in postauthoritarian Brazil . In Women, international development, and politics: the bureaucratic
mire, 2 nd ed., edited by K. Staudt. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 59-100.
Anderson, Mary; Ann Howarth; and Catherine Overholt. 1992. A framework for people- oriented planning in refugee situations taking account of women, men and children. Geneva : UNHCR.
Andersen, M. 1993. The concept of mainstreaming: experience and change. In Focusing on Women: UNIFEM’s experience with mainstreaming . New York : UNIFEM, 1-32.
Anthias, Floya. 2002. Beyond feminism and multiculturalism: locating difference and the politics of location. Women’s Studies International Forum 25, n.3:275-86.
Antony , Louise M., and Charlotte Witt, eds. 1993. A mind of one’s own: feminist essays in reason and objectivity . Boulder , CO : Westview Press.
Anzaldus, Gloria. Borderlands/La Fronters. San Franciso: Sprinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Anzaldua, Gloria, ed. Making Face, Making Soul/Hacienda Cares: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990.
Aptheker, Bettina. Tapestries of Life: Women's Work, Women's Consciousness, and the Meaning of Daily Experience. Amherst, MA: University of Amherst Press, 1989.
Arendt, Hannah. 1970. On Violence. New York : Harvest Books.
Armstrong, Pat, and M. Patricia Connelly, eds. 1999. Feminism, political economy, & the state: contested terrain . Toronto : Canadian Scholars’ Press, Inc.
As, Berit. 1983. A materialistic view of men’s and women’s attitudes towards war. In Women and men’s wars, edited by Judith Stiehm. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Ashworth, Georgina . 1988. An elf among gnomes: a feminist in North-South relations. Millenium: Journal of International Studies 17, n.3:497-505.
Ashworth, Georgina and Lucy Bonnerjea, eds. 1990. The invisible decade: UK women and the UN decade 1970-86 . Aldershot , England : Gower Publishing.
Ashworth, Lucian and Larry Swatuck. 1998. Masculinity and the fear of emasculation in International Relations theory. In The “man” question in International Relations, edited by Marysia Zalewski and Jane Parpart. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Askin, Kelly. 1997. War crimes against women: prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals. The Hague: Marnus Nijhoff Publishers.
Aslaksen, Iluie. 2002. Gender constructions and the possibility of the generous economic actor. Hypatia 17, n.2:118-32.
Audoin-Rouzeau, Stephane. 2002. Extreme violence in combat and willful violence. International Social Science Journal 174:491-497.
Bacchi, Carol Lee. Same Difference: Feminism and Sexual Difference. Sydney/Concord, MA: Allen & Unwin/Paul & Company, 1990.
Balbo, Laura. "The Servicing Work of Women and the Capitalist State." In Political Power and Social Theory, ed. Maruice Zeitlin. 3. Greenwich CT: JAI Press, 1982.
Balbus, Isaac D. Marxism and Domination: A Neo-Negelian, Feminist, Psychoanalytic Theory of Sexual, Political, and Technological Liberation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982.
Bandarage, Asoka. "Women in Development: Liberalism, Marxism and Marxist Feminist." Development and Change 15 (495-515 1984).
Banderage, Asoka. "Third World Women: More than Mere Statistics." Women's Review of Books (November 1983).
Bardes, Barbara. 1992. Women and the Persian Gulf: Patriotism and war. Paper delivered at the Conference on the Political Consequences of War, Washington, DC: 28 February.
Barker, Drucilla K. 1998. Dualisms, discourse, and development. Hypatia 13, n.3:83-94.
Barret, M. Women's Oppression Today. London: Verso, Barrett, M. and M. McIntosh. "The Family Wage." Capital and Class 1 (Summer 1980).
Barry, Kathleen. Female Sexual Slavery. New York, NY: Avon, 1981.
Barstow , Anne, ed. 2000. War’s dirty secret: rape, prostitution, and other crimes against women. Cleveland , OH : Pilgrim Press.
Bartky, Sandra L. 1998. Foucault, femininity, and the modernization of patriarchal power. In Feminism & Foucault, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quimby. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
Baudrillard, Jean. 1979. De la seduction. Paris : Editions Galilee.
Baxter, Sandra, and Marjorie Lansing. 1983. Women and politics. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Bayes, Jane H. and Nayereh Tohidi, eds. 2001. Globalization, gender, and religion: the politics of women’s rights in Catholic and Muslim contexts. New York: Palgrave.
Beall, J. 1998. Trickle down or rising tide? Lessons on mainstreaming gender policy from Columbia and South Africa . Social Policy and Administration 32, n.5:513-34.
Beckman, Peter R., and Francine D’Amico. 1994. Women, gender, and world politics: perspectives, policies, and prospects . Westport , Connecticut : Bergin and Garvey.
Beckman, Peter R. 1994. Realism, women, and world politics. In Women, gender, and world politics: perspectives, policies, and prospects , edited by Peter R. Beckman and Francine D’Amico. Westport , Connecticut : Bergin and Garvey.
Behar, Ruth and Deborah A. Gordon, eds. 1995. Women writing culture. Berkeley , CA: University of California Press.
Beigbeder, A. 2002. New challeneges for UNICEF: Children, women, and human rights. New York : Palgrave MacMillian.
Bendyna , M.E. and T. Finucance. 1996. Gender differences in public attitudes toward the Gulf War: A test of competing hypotheses. Social Science Journal 33, n.1:1-22.
Beneria, Lourdes, ed. Women and Development: The Sexual Division of Labor in Rural Societies. New York: Praeger, 1982.
Benhabib, Seyla and Drucilla Cornell, ed. Feminism as Critique. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1987.
Benjamin, Jessica. "Master and Slave: The Fantasy of Erotic Domination." ed. Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983.
Benjamin, Judy and Khadija Fancy. 1998. The gender dimensions of internal displacement: concept paper and annotated bibliography . NY: Women’s Commission on Refugee Women and Children.
Bennett. ed. Unthinking Faith and Enlightenment. New York/London: New York University Press, 1987.
Bennett, Olivia; Jo Bexley and Kitty Warnock, eds. 1995. Arms to fight, arms to protect: Women speak out about conflict. London: Panos.
Berker, Victoria. 1997. Definition and the question of ‘woman.’ Hypatia 12, n.2:185-215.
Berkman, Joyce. 1990. Feminism, war, and peace politics: the case of World War I. In Women, militarism , and war, edited by Jean Elshtain and Sheila Tobias. New York : Rowman and Littlefield.
Bernard, Jessie. The Female World from a Global Perspective. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Biehl, Janet. Rethinking Ecofeminist Politics. Boston: South End Press.
Blanchard, Eric. 2003. Gender, International Relations, and the development of Feminist Security Theory. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 28, n.4:1289-1313.
Blank, Rebecca M. 1993. What should mainstream economists learn from feminist theory? In Beyond economic MAN: feminist theory and economics, edited by Marianne Farber and Julie Nelson. Chicago and London : University of Chicago Press.
Blumberg, Rae Lesser. Women, Development, and the Wealth of Nations: Making the Case for the Gender Variable. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1992.
Bookkman, Ann and Sandra Morgan, ed. Women and the Politics of Empowerment. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988.
Boulding, Elise. The Underside of History: A View of Women through Time. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1976.
Bourke, Joanna. 1983. An intimate history of killing. London : Fontana.
Bourne, Jenny. "Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism." Race & Class XXV (1 1983): 1-22.
Bourque, Susan and Jean Grossholtz. "Politics an Unnatural Practice: Political Science looks at Female Participation." Politics and Society 1 (1974): 225-66.
Bowles, Gloria and Renate Duelli Klein, ed. Theories of Women's Studies. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983.
Boyd, Susan B., ed. 1997. Challenging the public/private divide. Toronto: University of Toronto.
Braidotti, Rosi. "The Subject in Feminism." Hypatia 6 (2 (Summer) 1991): 155-172.
Brandes, Lisa. 1992. The gender gap and attitudes toward war. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Brittan, Arthur and Mary Maynard. Sexism, Racism and Oppression. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984.
Brocke-Utne, Birgit. Educating for Peace. Oxford: Pergamon, 1985.
Brown, Carol. "Mothers, Fathers, and Children: From Private to Public Patriarchy." In Women and Revolution, ed. Lydia Sargent. Boston: South End Press, 1981.
Brown, Sarah. 1988. Feminism, international theory, and international relations of gender inequality. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 17, n.3:461-75.
Brown, Wendy. 2002. Manhood and politics: a feminist reading in political thought.New York : Rowman and Littlefield.
Brown, Wendy. 1995. States of injury. Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press.
Brown, Wendy. "Where is the Sex in Political Theory." Women & Politics 7 (Spring 1987): 3-24.
Buchanan, David. 2002. Gendercide and human rights. Journal of Genocide Research 4, n.1:95-108.
Buck, Lori; Nicole Gallant; and Kim Richard Nossal. 1998. Sanctions as a gendered instrument of statecraft: the case of Iraq . Review of International Studies 24:65-84.
Bunch, Charlotte and Niamh Reilly. 1994. Demanding accountability: the global campaign and Vienna Tribunal for Women’s Human Rights. Rutgers, NJ: Center for Women’s Global Leadership.
Bunch, Charlotte. Passionate Politics. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.
Burguieres, Mary K. "Feminist Approaches to Peace: Another Step for Peace Studies." Millennium 19 (1 (Spring) 1990): 1-18.
Burstyn, Varda. "Economy, Sexuality, Politics: Engels and the Sexual Division of Labour." In Socialist Studies, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1983a.
Burstyn, Varda. "Masculine Dominance and the State." In The Socialist Register, ed. R. Milibend and J. Saville. 1983b.
Burton, Clare. Subordination: Feminism and Social Theory. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1985.
Butler, Judith. 1997. Excitable speech: a politics of the performative. New York : Routledge.
Butler, Judith. 1993. Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of ‘sex.’ New York : Routledge.
Butler, Judith. 1990. Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity. New York : Routledge.
Bystudzienski, Jill M., ed. 1992. Women transforming politics: worldwide strategies for empowerment. Bloomington , IN : Indiana University Press.
Cady, Duane. 1989. From warism to pacifism: a moral continuum. Philadelphia : Temple University Press.
Callaway, Helen. "Survival and Support: Women's Forms of Political action." In Caught Up in Conflict, ed. Rosemary Ridd and Helen Callaway. London: MacMillan, 1986.
Cannon, Lynn Weber; Elizabeth Higgenbotham; and Miarianna L. A. Leung. 1991. Race and class bias in qualitative research on women. In Beyond methodology: feminist scholarship as lived research, edited by Mary Margaret Fonow and Judith Cook. Indianapolis : Indiana University Press.
Caprioli, Mary, and Mark A. Boyer. 2001. Gender, violence, and international crisis. Journal of Conflict Resolution 45, n.4:503-518.
Carroll, Berenice A. "Peace Research: The Cult of Power." Journal of Conflict Resolution Dec (1972): 585-616.
Carroll, Berenice A., ed. Liberating Women's History: Theoretical and Critical Essays. Urbane, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1976.
Carroll, Berenice A. "Review Essay: Political Science, Part II: International Politics, Cmoparative Politics, and Feminist Radicals." Signs, 1980, 499-58.
Carroll, Berenice A. "Women Take Action - Women's Direct Action and Social Change." Women's Studies International Forum 12 (1 1989): 3-24.
Card, Claudia. 1996. Rape as a weapon of war. Hypatia 11, n.4:5-17.
Carpenter, Charli. 2003a. ‘Women and children first’: gender, norms, and humanitarian evacuation in the Balkans 1991-95. International Organization 57, n.4:428-77.
Carpenter, Charli. 2003b. ‘Women, children, and other vulnerable groups’: gender, strategic frames, and the protection of civilians as a transnational issue. Paper presented at the International Studies Association-West Conference, Las Vegas , Nevada.
Chapkis, Wendy. Loaded Questions: Women in Militaries. Washington: Institute for Policy Studies, 1982.
Chang, K. and Ling, L.H.M. (2000) “Globalization and its Intimate Other: Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong,” In Marianne Marchand and Anne Sisson Runyan (eds), Gender and Global Restructuring: Sightings, Sites, and Resistances, pp. 27-43. London: Routledg
Charlesworth, Hilary. 1999. Feminist methods in international law. American Journal of International Law 93, n.2:379-394.
Charlesworth, Hilary, and Christine Chinkin. 2002. Sex, gender, and September 11. American Journal of International Law 96, n.3:600-5.
Charlesworth, Hilary; Christine Chinkin; and Shelley Wright. 1998. Feminist approaches to international law. American Journal of International Law 85, n.4.
Charlton, Sue Ellen, Jane Everett, and Kathleen Staudt, ed. Women, the State and Development. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.
Charlton, Sue Ellen M. Women in Third World Development. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1984.
Chin, Christine. 1998. In service and servitude: foreign female domestic workers and the Malaysian “modernity” project . New York : Columbia University Press
Chodorow, Nancy J. 1995. Gender as a personal and cultural construction. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 20, n.3:516-544.
Chowdhry, Geeta. "Engendering Development? Theoretical Considerations about Women in International Development." In Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association in Vancouver, BC, Year.
Clark, Lorenne M. and Lynda Lange, ed. The Sexism of Social and Political Theory: Women and Reproduction from Plato to Nietzache. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979.
Clark, Lorenne M.G. "Consequences of Seizing the Reins in the Household." In Women's Views of the Political World of Men, ed. Judith N. Stiehm. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 1984.
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity: Men, Women, and Politics in Modern Society. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.
Clough, Sharyn. 1998. A hasty retreat from evidence: the recalcitrance of relativism in feminist epistemology. Hypatia 13, n.4:88-111.
Coates, Susan. 2001. Peace feminism in International Relations. www.du.edu/~suscoate/ (13 April 2001).
Cockburn, Cynthia. 1991. In the way of women: men’s resistance to sex equality in organizations . London : Zed Books.
Cockburn, Cynthia and Dubravka Zarkov, eds. 2002. The Post-war moment: militaries, masculinities, and international peacekeeping. London : Zed Books.
Code, Lorraine . 1996. Taking subjectivity into account. In Women, knowledge, and reality , edited by Ann Garry and Marilyn Pearsall. New York and London: Routledge.
Cohn, Carol. 1993. Wars, wimps, and women: talking gender and thinking war. In Gendering war talk , edited by Miriam Cooke and Angela Woollacott. Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press.
Cohn, Carol. 1987. Sex and death in the world of rational defense intellectuals. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 12, n.4:687-718.
Cohn, Carol and Sara Ruddick. 2002. A feminist ethical perspective on weapons of mass destruction. In Ethics and Weapons of Mass Destruction, edited by Steven Lee and Sohail Hashmi. Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press.
Confortini, Catia. 2004. Galtung, violence, and gender: the case for a feminism-peace studies alliance. Paper presented at the 45 th annual meeting of the international studies association, March 2004, Montreal , Quebec.
Connell, R. W. 1995. Masculinities. Berkeley , CA : University of California Press.
Connell, R.W. 2000. Arms and the man: using the new research on masculinity to understand violence and promote peace in the contemporary world. In Male roles, masculinities, andviolence: a culture of peace perspective, edited by I. Breines, R.W. Connell, and I. Eide. Paris : UNESCO, 21-33.
Connell, R.W. "The State, Gender and Sexual Politics: Theory and Appraisal." Theory and Society (1990).
Conover, Pamela Johnston, and Virginia Sapiro. 1993. Gender, feminist consciousness, and war. American Journal of Political Science 37, n.4:1079-1099.
Conway, Jill K., Susan C. Bourque, and Joan W. Scott. Learning About Women: Gender, Politics & Power. Ann Arbo: University of Michigan Press, 1987.
Cooke, Miriam and Angela Woollacott, eds. 1987. Gendering war talk. Princeton , NJ: Princeton University Press.
Coole, Diana H. Women in Political Theory: From Ancient Misogyny to Contemporary Feminism. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1988.
Coontz, Stephanie and Peta Hederson, ed. Women's Work, Men's Property. London: Verso, 1986.
Coomaraswamy, Radhika. 1997. Reinventing international law: women’s rights as human rights in the international community. Visiting Lecture at Harvard Law School by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women. law.harvard.edu/programs/HRP/Publications/radhika.html ( 15 April 2002 ).
Cudd, Anne. 1998. Multiculturalism as a cognitive virtue of scientific virtue. Hypatia 13, n.3:43-61.
Cuomo, Chris J. 1996. War is not just an event: reflections on the significance of everyday violence. Hypatia 11, n.4:30-45.
D'Amico, Francine. “Critical Feminism: Deconstructing Gender, Nationalism, & War," in Making Sense of International Relations (IR) Theory, ed. Jennifer Sterling-Folker. Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 2006: 268-281
D’Amico, Francine and Peter R. Beckman. 1995. Women in world politics: an introduction. Westport , CT : Bergin and Garvey.
Dahl, H.M. 2000. A perceptive and reflective state? The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7, n.4:475-494.
Dalby, Simon. "Rethinking Security: Ambiguities in Policy and Theory." Alternatives 17 (1992): 95-133.
Davies, Miranda. Third World-Second Sex. Vol. 1 and 2. London: ZED, 1987.
Davis, Angela. Women, Culture and Politics. New York: Vintage, 1990.
De Lauretis, Teresa. Technologies of Gender. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987.
De Lauretis, Teresa. "Eccentric Subjects: Feminist Theory and Historical Consciousness." Feminist Studies 16 (1 (Spring) 1990): 115-150.
De Leonardo, Michels. "Morals, Mothers, and Militarism: Anti-Militarism and feminist Theory." Feminist Studies 2 (3 1985): 599-617.
Di Stefano, Christine. "Dilemmas of Difference: Feminism, Modernity, and Postmodernism." In Feminism/Postmodernism, ed. Linda Nicholson. New York and Routledge: Routledge, 1990.
Di Stefano, Christine. Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern Political Theory. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Di Stephano, Christine. "Masculinity as Ideology in Political Thought: Hobbesian Man Considered." Women's Studies International Forum 6 (1983):
Diamond, Irene and Lee Quimby, ed. Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988.
Dietz, Mary G. "Citizenship with a Feminist Face." Political Theory 15 (1985): 19-37.
Dietz, Mary G. "Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship." In Learning About Women, ed. et. al. Conway. 1987.
Dietz, Mary G. 1985. Citizenship with a feminist face: the problem with maternal thinking. Political Theory 12:19-35.
Dill, Bonnie Thorton. "The Dialectics of Black Womanhood." Signs 4 (1979): 543-555.
Dill, Bonnie Thorton. "Race, Class, and Gender." Feminist Studies 9 (1983): 131-150.
Dobash, R. Emerson and Russel Dobash. Violence Against Wives: A Case Against the Patriarchy. New York: The Free Press, 1979.
Donovan, Josephine. Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions of American Feminism. New York: Frederick Unger, 1985.
Dube, Leela, Eleanor Leacock, and Shirley Ardener, ed. Visibility and Power: Essays on Women in Society and Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Duchen, C. Feminism in France: From May '68 to Mitterand. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986.
Easles, Brian. Science and Sexual Oppression: Patriarchy's Confrontation with Women and Nature. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1981.
Easles, Brian. Fathering the Unthinkable. London: Pluto Press, 1983.
Eisenstein, Hester. Contemporary Feminist Thought. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1983.
Eisenstein, Hester and Alice Jardine, ed. The Future of Difference. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1980.
Eisenstein, Zillah, ed. Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979.
Eisenstein, Zillah. The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism. New York: Longman, 1981.
Eisenstein, Zillah. Feminism and Sexual Equality: Crisis in Liberal America. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1984.
El-Bushra, Judy. 2000. Transforming conflict: some thoughts on a gendered understanding of conflict processes. In States of conflict: gender, violence, and resistance, edited by Susie Jacobs et al. London : Zed Books.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. Public Man, Private Man: Women in Social and Political Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. "Reflections on War and Political Discourse: Realism, Just War and Feminism in the Nuclear Age." Political Theory 13 (Feb 1985): 39-57.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. Women and War. New York: Basic Books, 1987.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke and Sheila Tobias. Women, Militarism, and War. Rowman and Littlefield, 1990.
Enloe, Cynthia. 2000. Maneuvers: the international politics of militarizing women’s lives . Berkeley , CA : University of California Press.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1993. The morning after: sexual politics at the end of the Cold War. Berkeley , CA : University of California Press.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1990. Bananas, beaches, and bases: making feminist sense of international politics. Berkeley , CA : University of California Press.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1989. Does khaki become you? The militarization of women’s lives. London : Pandora Press.
Enloe, Cynthia. "Feminists Thinking About War, Militarism, and Peace." In Analyzing Gender, ed. Hess and Ferree. 1987.
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Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs and Rose Laub Coser, ed. Access to Power: Cross-National Studies of Women and Elites. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1981.
Evans, Judith. "Feminist Theory and Political Studies." In Feminism and Political Theory, ed. Judith Evans and et. al. London: Sage, 1986.
Farber, Marianne A. and Julie A. Nelson, eds. 1993. Beyond economic MAN: feminist theory and economics . Chicago and London : University of Chicago Press.
Ferguson, Ann. Blood at the Root: Motherhood, Sexuality and male Dominance. London: Pandora, 1989.
Ferguson, Ann. 1996. Can I choose who I am? And how would that empower me? Gender, race, identities, and the self. In Women, knowledge, and reality, edited by Ann Garry and Marilyn Pearsall. New York and London : Routledge.
Ferguson, Kathy E. 1993. The man question: visions of subjectivity in feminist theory. Berkeley , CA : University of California Press.
Ferguson, Kathy E. "Toward a New Anarchism." Contemporary Crises 7 (Jan 1983): 39-57.
Ferguson, Kathy E. The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.
Ferguson, Kathy E. "Male-Ordered Politics: Feminism and Political Science." In Idioms of Inquiry: Critique and Renewal in Political Science, ed. Terence Bell. Albany: State University of New York, 1987.
Ferguson, Kathy E. "Interpretation and Genealogy in Feminism." Signs 16 (2 (Winter) 1991): 322-39.
Feste, Karen A. 1994. Behavior theories: the science of international politics and women. In Women, gender, and world politics: perspectives, policies, and prospects. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 1994.
Fisher, Berenice and Joan Tronto. "Toward a Feminist Theory of Caring." In Circles of Caring, ed. Emily Abel and Margaret Nelson. New York: State University of New York Press.
Fite, David; Marc Genest; and Clyde Wilcox. 1990. Gender differences in foreign policy attitudes: a longitudinal analysis. American Politics Quarterly 18, n.4:492-512.
Flax, Jane. "Critical Theory as a Vocation." Politics and Society 8 (1978).
Flax, Jane. "Do Feminists Need Marxism?" In Building Feminist Theory, ed. Quest Staff. New York: Longman, 1981a.
Flax, Jane. "Political Philosophy and the Patriarchal Unconscious." In Discovering Reality, ed. Harding and Hintikka. 1981b.
Flax, Jane. "Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory." Signs 12 (Summer 1987): 621-43.
Flax, Jane. Thinking Fragments: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Postmodernism in the Contemporary West. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.
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Bibliography on Feminism and World Politics
Contributors - Spike Peterson (original biblography); Lev Gonick (original
supplementation); Laura Sjoberg (quick additions).
Aafjies, Astrid and Ann Tierney Goldstein. 1998. Gender violence:
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